CHARITY SALE – 24″ Beautiful virgin copper chestnust hair from a French farmgirl



Additional Info

Hair Length (Inches)24
Hair Thickness4 Inches Thick
Hair ColourAuburn
Hair EthnicityCaucasian
Hair Texture TypeWavy
Hair to be Cut byHair Salon/Professional

I’ve been growing my hair for the express purpose of selling it and donating the money, so I’ve been taking extremely good care of it.

I don’t smoke and don’t drink, nor does anyone in my household. We’re farmers by trade, so I eat the meat and vegetables from the farm and I’ve never lived in a city, so pollution has never touched my hair.

My hair is naturally wavy, nearly up to the roots when it’s shorter and thus less heavy but the longer I grew it, the lower the waves started appearing. Because of this, I don’t brush it every day or I’m ripping out the whole thing and my hair is not the thickest. After a few brushings, it seems to straighten out naturally. If you look at the pictures, I took two right after hairdrying on a shower day while the rest are about a week after the last shampoo. I tried to take pictures in as many lighting scenarios as possible, so you have outside-sunny, outside-shade, outside-cloudy, inside-sunny, inside-shade. Hopefully that’s enough to show the colour and the natural shine.

I handmake herbal remedies so I make my own oil treatment for my hair that I do once a month. I also make my own conditioner. My shampoo is 100% natural, no sulfates, glycerin, preservatives, etc. as it is handmade in the tiny pharmacy in my village that specialises in herbal and natural remedies.

I wash my hair twice a month (unless it’s dirty from farm work), brushing it to distribute the natural oils in my hair and ensure it is always soft and disturbed as rarely as possible by shampoo.

I trim it straight across to try and get as many strands of a similar length.

I did a couple of henna treatments more than three years ago as I had some scalp issues and I was told it would help mitigate that.

We will use paypal for payment, the hair won’t be cut until the money has been received. I’ll cut and send my hair the day of or the day after payment. If any delay is caused by the postal service, I will warn you and wait to cut the hair until it can be guaranteed to be sent as close to the haircut as possible. I will use La Poste, the French postal system. Shipping costs are at the charge of the buyer (for information, I looked up posting prices for the US and UK; for a package as light as hair is, it’s about 10$ for a package against signature and proof of identity and about $4 for a normal package without signature.)

If there are any specifications on how you wish the hair to be cut (for example a single ponytail or many smaller bundles, different lengths, anything at all), don’t hesitate to mention it and I will accommodate to no additional cost on your part. If you would like a video of the haircut, it can be taken for an additional fee, to be discussed during our messages. For any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me.

I am using the money from this sale to donate to an organisation that does research on a rare genetic disease I happen to be born with (it has no impact on my hair, don’t worry). Because it is such a rare disease, no lab or hospital or big research corporation is interested in doing studies or trying to find solutions, so as of right now, my disease is incurable and will slowly dicrease my quality of life and deteriorate my body to the point I won’t be able to walk anymore. I am already in constant, daily, excruciating chronic pain and I am unable to work because of my disability. This disease is a hell I was unfortunately born with. Any help I can give this organisation that takes care of research as well as educating healthcare providers and doctors, trying to find ways to mitigate our symptoms and so much more, I want to give that help. So this is my way of helping.

I am trying to get as much money as possible from this sale, given how long it takes to grow hair to this length. If I hit my target sale goal, two-thirds of the proceeds will go to the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Society and the last third will be used to pay for a hospital bill I will incur in July because of my disability. If I have to lower the price for lack of demand, all the money will go to the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Society and none will go to me. I just wanted to make clear why I can’t use the site’s own charity option.