Pure Black Luxe Virgin Hair: 14 inches of Beauty & Volume Await!

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Additional Info

Hair Length (Inches)14
Hair Thickness5 Inches Thick
Hair ColourBlack
Hair EthnicityIndian
Hair Texture TypeWavy
Hair to be Cut byHair Salon/Professional
CountryUnited States

Indulge in the Ultimate Haircare Experience! Our Pure Virgin Hair is meticulously cared for to ensure unparalleled quality and vitality. With a commitment to maintaining its natural beauty, our hair is washed gently twice a week, never exposed to damaging heat styling. Each wash is accompanied by a nourishing homemade flaxseed hair mask, providing extra hydration and nourishment for luscious locks.

But our care doesn’t stop there. To safeguard against breakage and maintain optimal health, our hair is delicately braided every night and adorned with a protective bonnet. Plus, we believe in nourishing from the inside out – daily vitamins ensure that your hair remains strong, vibrant, and irresistibly healthy.